Avatar The Last Airbender Tier List

We all know that Avatar The Last Airbender (ATLA) is the best show ever made. I love it so much it changed my life completely. When six year old me watched this on Nickelodeon after school, I loved every second of it, well, except for the great divide. Then it became a distant memory (except for Zuko and Toph I never forgot them). Luckily, Netflix added it and BOOM childhood memory unlocked! So, since I love this show and everything about it, I ranked the characters. Take a looksie. (I feel the need to mention that I am not ancient and I watched reruns in the early 2010s, as opposed to the original screenings in 2005.)

I don't do things without reason, so here are the reasons for each character on the list and why they deserve that placement.