35. I think that’s the Boulder??

Got the honour of being battered by Toph. He was a greedy loser and tried to kidnap my good sis but he made me giggle like once.

34. The earth bending teacher guy

Like he had me giggling idk. He was kind of forgettable but he was dumb and dumb men are funny. But men are not funny. Does that make sense? Also I swear he is the guy who was trynna bring Toph back to her parents. He indirectly helped invent metalbending. He nibbled. Also why does he talk in third person?? So funny.

33. Earth King

Idiot loser but the pet bear soloed.

32. Pakku

Misogynistic piece of shit. Fumbled Katara’s grandmother. Helped liberate Ba Sing Se so points for that I guess

31. Wrestlemania Referee

Tried to beef Toph and Aang and also kidnapped Toph. However he did indirectly lead to the discovery of Toph so points or whatever. Literally do not care about this guy.

30. Jet

Clinically insane. Like he was good looking but he was literally a crazy person. FUMBLED KATARA?????? WHAT A LOSER!!! Was gonna kill innocents. Not good. Also, he tried to get Zuko and Iroh in trouble in Ba Sing Se. Like why are you being a beg. Mind your business. Also he's always chewing on that nasty piece of grass. I know his dentist hated him.