B tier

19. Lizard lady

I only remember her when they used her lizards to hunt for Aang at the end of the series. But she is a fat slay. She gets money, her body tea. She super thick, she super pretty.

18. Moon Girl

She is really pretty and also she is the moon and I love the moon. She was Sokka’s first girl, which is nice or whatever. But she is THE ACTUAL MOON!!!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT!!!!!!!!! But also imagine she has to watch Sokka with other girls every night. Poor girl :(

17. King Bumi

He was so funny and he was a great character. MAN WAS SO RIPPED DID YOU SEE HIS MUSCLES???? AND HE COULD EARTHBEND WITH HIS FACE!! And he helped lead Aang to Toph! +100000 points for that (can you tell I love Toph??) HOWEVER, he just let the fire nation take over Omashu. I know he had a reason but bro come on at least pretend to fight. Second favourite white lotus member.

16. Katara and Sokka’s Dad

He was a warrior and even though he left his kids he still cared about them and was out battering the fire nation. We can’t get mad at him for that. Also I feel bad for him. He probably has lots of guilt about Katara's mom being killed and he couldn’t save her. Sad times.