42. Fire Lord Flopzai

Abusive loser. World’s worst father. Genocidal maniac; what were his redeeming qualities??? Notice the silence??? That's because there was none. He literally burnt his son's face off for not wanting to kill people. Deserves nothing but the worst. He’s so cringe “I aM nOw ThE pHoeNIx KiNg” SHUT UPPPP ARE YOU TWELVE HOW IS THAT COOL OR THREATENING THE PHOENIX KING SOUNDS LIKE SOME SHITTY BOOK ABOUT A DYSTOPIAN WORLD FILLED WITH REALLY TONE DEAF, BADLY EXECUTED METAPHORS THAT ANNOYING PEOPLE PRETEND TO LIKE ACT AS IF IT'S THE MOST GROUNDBREAKING PIECE OF LITERATURE EVER!!! But I digress. Ozai is one of THE worst people ever and one of THE best villains. The fact we don’t see his face until season three?? Amazing choice. Like they couldn’t make a better villain if they tried he is just SUCH AN EVIL PERSON AND THEY LET HIM STAY THAT AWAY!! THERE'S NO SYMPATHY AND NO JUSTIFICATION!! HE IS JUST EVIL!!! IF THE SHOW WAS MADE TODAY THEY WOULD GIVE HIM A SHITTY REDEMPTION ARC AND MAKE HIM BESTIES WITH EVERYONE AND GIVE SOME DUMB SPEECH ABOUT BEING A BETTER PERSON NOW AND THE WAR WOULD BE FORGIVEN AND THAT WOULD BE IT. I NEED TO DO A WHOLE DECONSTRUCTION OF HIS CHARACTER I HATE THIS MAN SO MUCH AND I LOVE THAT!!!

41. Sparky Sparky Boom Man

Tried to kill the Gaang. Not cool. The laser forehead stuff however is kinda cool. What was his problem fr though Zuko told him to stop and he wouldn't listen. It’s not that deep dude chill out. He actually made me mad when he turned up at the air temple. Does he not have a job???

40. Admiral Zhao

I HATE THIS GUY!!!!!! He killed the moon, he was committing genocide, he was a wasteman to Zuko, he was in everyones business. Like get a life, what a useless bum. Just sucks.

39. Sandbenders

Stole Appa. Absolutely disgraceful behaviour. That's all.

38. Hama

Evil old hag. Yeah she was damaged but why is she beefing Katara because she doesn’t feel like imprisoning innocent people. Also attempted to kill Sokka and Aang. -10000000/10. Congrats on inventing bloodbending though. She ate that one thing.

37. Guy who betrayed Earth Kingdom

Flop. Boring. Dead trim. That’s all.

36. Scary Bird Spirit

Actually terrifying. I had nightmares about him when I was younger. This was the start of my hatred and fear for birds. He was doing too much and also he sank the library when the Gaang was still in it. Rude.