A tier

15. Haru

Rebel. Beautiful with and without the moustache. He freed his village from Fire Nation and he didn’t get captured on the day of the black sun. What an absolute king. I had a crush on him because I have good taste in men. HARU FOR EARTH KING!!!

14. Aang

This may be controversial but just hear me out. I don’t hate Aang first of all. He is a good avatar and he did his job all the time. He learnt all bending forms and took down the firelord in what?? A year?? Two years?? Amazing. He stuck to his morals and didn't kill Flopzai. He had a sick tattoo. HE’S THE AVATAR IT’S HIS SHOW. Now. With that being said. He is so ANNOYING. I am so sorry. He is. Out of the main five (Katara, Sokka, Aang, Toph and Zuko) in my opinion, he is the least interesting as a character. Like they could have added more depth. We never really saw him grieve over the loss of his ENTIRE POPULATION. He got a bit mad and moved on. Also let’s be real. Katara, Sokka and Toph were carrying him the whole time. Like most of the plans were from Katara and Sokka They were the masterminds and the backbones of the Gaang. I’m not saying Aang didn’t do anything, but without Katara and Sokka he would be toast. Also can i just say I don't blame Aang for running away and getting trapped in ice for 100 years when he found out his duty because same. Now for the REALLY controversial bit. AANG ENDED UP WITH KATARA WHEN SHE SHOULD’VE BEEN WITH ZUKO! THERE! I SAID IT! I could explain why but It would take too long. So to conclude, Aang is great and I like him if course I do but the other main four were better characters and that’s that. Aang can also do the air ball spinny thing which is awesome.

13. Ty Lee

DON’T GET ME STARTEDDD!!! SHE IS A QUEEN!!! SHE NEVER FLOPPED NEVER TANKED!!! She was backflipping, cartwheeling, chi blocking (bending?) What couldn't she do? The only one that could go up against mother Katara. Girls wanted to be her, Guys wanted to be with her. No one was doing it like her. Did you see her outfit?? The pink??? Amazing. She rode for Mai, that was her bestie, they were locked in. Chiblocked azula for Mai your bestie would never.

12. Mai

The realest of the real. Hated her life but she loved Zuko. Real. Absolutely GAGGED Azula “I guess you miscalculated. I love Zuko more than I fear” OH??? My life was never the same. Betrayed Azula and her entire country for Zuko. Again too real. HER PARENTS ARE DUMB FLOPS THAT DON’T LET HER EXPRESS HERSELF. Bit mad. BUT SHE ALSO THROWS KNIVES!!! I used to think she just had knife dispensers in her hands but the fact that she hand throws them is cooler. Monotone permanently and I love her for it. I place no blame on her for Zutara not happening.

11. Avatar Kyoshi

Why is she so high??? Because she stood on business. She came back to life and said ”I killed that man, what about it” and dipped. Absolute menace. The makeup, the fans??? What else is there to say? Has a whole island and fanclub AS SHE SHOULD!!