Day 51: Write something relaxing

Lol I skipped the whole month and then some. So, I did Day 51 but idk I don't really like it so...

The cool, summer breeze shook the willow trees that covered the river bank, and blew white dandelion fluff into the air. Surrounded by the drooping flowers of the willows, the young girl sat at the edge of the river bank. Her large, straw hat protected her from the relentless rays of the hot midday sun, and the steady trickle of the river water running through the forest helped to cool her down as she kicked her feet from underneath the cooling water. Leaning her back against the large rock, she idly flicked through the pages of her book and sighed heavily as it became increasingly difficult to keep her eyes open.

Soft humming from the cicadas combined with the whispers of the bushes and trees rocked by the wind was beginning to gently lull the girl to sleep. Rubbing her eyes, she readjusted herself and placed the red feather she held onto her page, trapping it in her book. Her bag and shoes lay behind her, and she used all her strength to push herself up onto her two legs, splashing water up into the air as she walked up onto the bank.

Pulling on her shoes, the girl stretched and yawned, still feeling dazed in her half-asleep, half-awake state of mind. She slipped her bag over her shoulder and began to trudge her way back to her village, hunger now taking over her tiredness.